Friday 12 September 2008

Arrogance versus Confidence

Leading newspapers (Japan) published the Potsdam Declaration under the heading "News From Abroad" without running the full text of each clause. Needless to say, it drove the public into uproar. The public demanded a statement from Prime Minister Suzuki.

Facing the press, the prime minister said: "The government does not consider it of major importance. We will simply ignore it. Our only effort now is to fight out the war."

On July 30, the newspapers carried reports of this statement, and at the same time, it was broadcast over radio, reaching the entire world.

The Allies interpreted Japan's attitude as refusal. There was no other way they could take it. But many inside the Japanese government were still waiting to seize a chance to end the hostilities, and they suffered keenly.

The crazed military regime could no longer analyze the declaration calmly.

Not surprisingly, the American air attacks increased with sudden fury. No matter how often the sirens wailed, Toda never once entered the air raid shelter. His family would beg him to take cover, but he remained stubbornly unmoved. It was not that he had nerves of steel. He was fully confident that because of his commitment to his mission, he would not be killed by the bombs. Of his family's escape to the shelter, he said nothing. - Human Revolution, Vol.1, pg.42


1. Potsdam Declaration (

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